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STEM Virtual Camp

Mon, 26 Oct



STEM Camp now virtual and during Oct Half Term

Registration is Closed
See other events
STEM Virtual Camp
STEM Virtual Camp

Time & Location

26 Oct 2020, 09:00 – 29 Oct 2020, 17:00


About the Event

** If interested you need a Westminster account and access to the Cadet Portal to view this. Email Lt. Capon-Russell for details


Due to the current uncertainties over the ongoing CV-19 pandemic it has been decided to run the 2020 STEM Camp as a virtual event.

New dates will be: Mon 26 Oct to Thu 29 Oct 2020.  Lead remains HQ Royal Signals.

Event will be booked and managed using WESTMINSTER as normal with 300 places bookable for the whole event.  Those that attend all the sub-events and complete the work book elements will receive the Industrial Cadet Award and the STEM Camp badge.

The event is currently being redesigned but is likely to have a series of CET engagement team sub-events (lasting up to 1 ½ hrs each), hosted on an interactive platform over the 4 days.  Some additional guest speaker presentations may be included.  Cadets will log into the sub-events according to the event programme.  Each sub-event will be a mixture of presentation and interactive activity as well as an opportunity for Cadets to pose questions to the soldiers and officers hosting the event.

Some additional capacity will be utilised for Cadets interested in a particular Regiment/Corps activity on an individual sub-event log in basis.  This is not tracked and will not attract the Award nor badge.

As soon as I have more information I will send out a Convening Order (before the end of the summer term) which will detail the bidding process.

Al note that an additional (F2F) STEM CAMP North (Altcar) will be taking place in Spring 2021- details to follow.

Maj SC (Simon) Mann - RA | SO2 Cadet Training Ops| HQ Army Cadets | HQ RC | Floor 1, Zone 3, Montgomery House, Queen’s Avenue, Aldershot, GU11 2JN | 94222 3191 | 01252 348191 | Mob: 07813998264 | |  Camp Matrix Link  - Modnet  |  Camp Matrix  Link - Defence Gateway  |  Overseas Log - Modnet | Cadet Resource Centre |

Call me on Skype

Note: In line with current COVID-19 guidelines I am working from home

Overseas Training – ALL correspondance to be sent via: COVID 19 Updates and advice/policy   

LINK TO DIO/DTE Issues Reporting Tool

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HQ Regional Command

Montgomery House

Queen’s Avenue


GU11 2JN

Telephone: 01252 783191   Military Network: 94222 3191

E-mail :

Reference  RC-Cdts-SO2Trg_EXSTEMCHALLENGE_20

See Distribution    Date  17 July 2020



1. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic this year’s STEM CAMP will be held as a VIRTUAL event. HQ Royal Signals is the lead for this year’s camp and is coordinating all the different Arms and Services that will be taking part.

2. 300 cadet places are available with cadets applying via their unit to their RPOC Cadets Branch. As this year’s camp is VIRTUAL, so no CFAV attendance is required. Enrolled cadets will be expected to join the event on-line each day, with attendance automatically recorded. Cadets who complete all four days, and the challenges set in the events will be elligable for the National Industrial Cadet Silver Award, as well as issue of the STEM Camp Cadet Force badge.


3. The aim of Ex STEM CHALLENGE is to utilise some of the Army’s advanced STEM technology/techniques to demonstrate to cadets how their STEM lessons at school match across to the real world; to enthuse them with a passion for STEM subjects; whilst engaging them to think about how choosing STEM subjects at school can lead to interesting and successful careers.


4. EXERCISE STEM CHALLENGE 2020 will take place over the period Mon 26th October – Thur 29th Octobet 2020 using a web based virtual learning platform.


5. Cadets. 300 cadets from across the ACF and CCF are invited to attend. The eligibility criteria for cadet attendance is as follows. Each cadet must:

a. Not have previously attended EX STEM CHALLENGE.

b. Be an Army Cadet in ACF or CCF(A) aged between 12 and 16 .

c. Be in Year 9, 10 or 11 at school at the time of the STEM Camp in  Oct.

d. Be selected by their unit and RPOC to attend.

e. Have an active email account and signed up to the Cadet Portal.

f. Have access to suitable IT and a broadband connection.

6. Cadet Applications Process.

a. Cadets should apply directly to their unit ASAP, who will pass on the request to  the RPOC (if meeting the criteria in para 5).

b. RPOC/Bdes are requested to filter cadets as they see fit to fill places allocated to  them as per para15.

c. Once RPOCs have selected their cadets they are to add participants to the  WESTMINSTER Activity; 746046 by COP Mon 28 Sep 2020.

d. RPOC/Bdes will be notified of attendance NLT Friday 2 Oct 2020.

e. RPOCs must ensure that a valid civilian email address for the cadet is included  and logged in the Cadets WESTMINSTER profile. This is essential as it will be used  to send the eInvite to enable them to join the event if selected.

7. CFAV Support. As a VIRTUAL event no CFAV support is required. However, in some cases cadets might participate in a cadet hut to utilise Cadet IT, on approval of their CoC. In this case a CFAV can be added as Safegurading support for that Cadet. This must be authorised with the undersigned by the RPOC SO2 Cadets. This is seen as an exceptional circumstance as cadets are expected to engage with the event from home.

8. CFAV Presentation Support Team. A team of ten suitably qualified CFAVs are required to assist with the STEM presentations in order to match each of the specialist Army demonstrations to current classroom STEM learning in KS3 and KS4.  Volunteers ideally would be CFAVs who are qualified teachers in a STEM subject. This year, involvement is mostly to support (virtually) and advise the Corps Engagement Teams (CETs) in preparing their presentation, activities and any work book requirements. All volunteers are to contact the SO2 Trg Ops in the first instance.

Outline Plan

9. Army STEM Lead. HQ Royal Signals are taking the lead on Ex STEM CHALLENGE this year. They will put together the administration and program for the week and host the event in the virtual platform.

10. An outline program is being developed and will be published in due course. Essentially, each day will start at 0900 with Cadets logging into the virtual event to have a central brief. They will then be split into two groups. After a short brief (includes an eRollCall) the two groups will be moved (electronically) to one of the two CET presentation rooms for the morning session. Each session will last 90 mins and will be a combination of:

a. Voiced over audio visual presentation.

b. Video presentation.

c. Live interactive STEM challenges (using break out rooms with smaller groups).

d. Live Q&A with STEM Soldiers and Officers.

e. eWork Book activity (linked to challenges and Industrial Cadet Award) including  interactive feedback.

11. After the morning session cadets will be given a return time and carry out the same procedure for the afternoon session after lunch. Additionally, on some afternoons/evening a guest speaker will be invited to give a short presentation followed by a Q&A session (TBC).

12. The following Army Arms and Services will take part and introduce some of the world’s leading military capabilities:

a. The Royal Regiment of Artillery (RA)

b. The Royal Engineers (RE)

c. The Royal Logistic Corps (RLC)

d. The Royal Corps of Signals (R Signals)

f. The Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME)

g. The Army Air Corps (AAC)

h. The Army Medical Services (AMS)

i. The Adjutant Generals Corps (AGC)

j. The Intelligence Corps (Int Corps)

13. Cost. There is no cost to cadets or CFAVs to attend this event.

14. RPOC/Bde Allocations

a. 300 cadets are invited to attend this event.

b. Each RPOC/Bde has been allocated cadet spaces based on RPOC size.

c. Any spare places on the WESTMINSTER Activity after the cut off date of 28 Sep  20 will be offered nationally based on the RPPOC stated reserve list in order or  priority.

e. Reserves are to be added to the WESTMINSTER event clearly maked as  RESERVE and a priority number in the booking notes.

f. There is no application form required for cadets. RPOCs may choose to call for  applications in the way that works best for them.

g. Key information required from cadets and CFAVs will be lifted directly from the  WESTMINSTER Activity. Please ensure every cadet has a valid email address logged  in WESTMINSTER.

15. Allocation by RPOC/Bde is as follows:











11 Sigs X






51 X








Further Information

16. Joining Instructions will be issued to RPOCs for Cadets selected to attend NLT Mon 5 Oct 20.




SO2 Training Ops






RPOCs SO2s   Cadets




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