Staff Pay Issues
From the management - 11/12/19
Dear all,
As you are all aware, the December CCF Pay Run failed, due to our contracted ABS officer being locked out of JPA.
That officer now has full JPA access once more, and outstanding claims will be resolved in January.
HQRC will be reviewing the CCF Remuneration process in Jan 20 to build greater resilience into the process to ensure this issue does not occur again.
It is fully appreciated that many CCF CFAVs and SSIs will be disconcerted by this and we can only apologise.
These details will placed on the CCF website. with a link to the Regional Command twitter feed.
Please ensure that those affected are made aware of this email.
Paul Crossman | SO1 CCF & Plans Support | Cadets Branch | Headquarters Regional Command |1st Floor, Zone 3, Montgomery House, Queen's Avenue, ALDERSHOT, Hants, GU11 2JN |
Tel: 94222 7697 I 01252 787697 I Fax: 94222 7716 | 01252 787716 | Mobile: 07867523611
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